Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Year Mark!

This week was so awesome! The weather was great, my companion and I spent a lot of time on our bikes and we talked to a lot of people. We had a great zone conference this week and we got to hear from President Porter.  So usually p-day is on Monday but President Porter switched it on us to Tuesday so we could find new investigators to get baptized in the month of June.  We went to the park, talked to everyone and found quite a few people, the Lord really did bless us. I am past my year mark, its crazy to think, the year flew by.  So the other day we were waiting at the bus station and there was some dude walking around, we went up and talked to him... his name is Tim and he is about 23 years old. He was wearing a cut off shirt and he told us to call him T Daddy cause he is a rapper. It was funny, I told him we would love to hear him one of these days! He got pretty excited. So we are going to stop by T Daddy soon and share a message, hopefully he can rap about what we teach him! Things are great here in the Promised Land of Kentucky! WE are teaching Marcus and some others right now!  I am excited for the coming week. Thanks for all your prayers and all your support! Much love!

"God's love is shown in the way we the acts of kindness we willing do for others."
Town I am serving in!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Tell everyone who you are!

8713 Preakness Dr. 
Florence Kentucky 41042

I got transferred to Kentucky!!!!! The promise land!!!!! It really is, I love it here in Florence. Such great people and such a great atmosphere. I truly am so blessed to be here. So this past week I moved down to Northern Kentucky, received my new companion Elder Bloxham and got to work! We started out finding! We found a lot of new people to teach. Kentucky really is how it is portrayed in the movies, I love it. The ward here is great, I am going to love this transfer. The first day I got here we visited a recent convert and we talked to this man named Lenney who lives by the recent convert. We are now teaching him. He is a big guy with a sweet red beard! He bought us some ice cream the other day, it was great. He is a perfect example of what the people are like here in Kentucky. I also had the blessing of working in downtown Dayton for a day. A funny story that happened in Dayton, we got on the bus and started to talked to everyone! The bus driver got mad at me cause I was bouncing around seat to seat talking to everyone about the Book of Mormon. He said stop going around introducing yourself... you have done it so many times, STOP. He said if you want everyone to know who you are just stand up and tell everyone. So I did. It was sweet. I stood up and everyone's eyes were on me. I introduced myself and told the people what we do as missionaries and gave a short summary of the Book of Mormon. It was so awesome, one of the coolest experiences on my mission. I love the work, I am doing good and I am so happy to be here in the promise land of Kentucky!!!!

"He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them."

Monday, May 12, 2014

Mothers Day!

Mother's day was so awesome! It was so good to hear from a lot of you. I am leaving Montgomery, I have been here for 6 months and I am now leaving... I am kinda sad, I love the ward and I love the people here but I am super excited for my new area and my new companion! So this week was sweet! We did quite a bit of service, we helped out a family with a diabetes fundraiser downtown. We drove right next to the Bengals and the Reds stadium, it was great! The other day we were visiting Steve, one of our awesome investigators and at the end of the lesson we asked him to say the prayer... he said the most meaningful heartfelt prayer I have ever heard... it was from the heart. He is going through a hard time and he just talked to God about it. It was a very powerful moment and the spirit was strong. We pointed that out to him and told him that God heard his prayer and that He loves him and wants him to be happy. He was able to make it to church on Sunday, it has been awesome to teach him. We invited him to be baptized and to lead his family into the waters of baptism. He said he would and he would like to actually baptize his kids, the spirit was so strong! I have been so blessed to be serving here in Montgomery and I am excited to leave and to grow and learn some more! Love you and thanks for all your prayers and all your support!
Bowling on P-Day!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Milk shake!

This week was great in the good ole Ohio land. This week I edged someones lawn, it brought me back to the good old lawn mowing days. We also had interviews with President Porter this week which was awesome, I love that man. Our recent convert... Jim got married on Saturday, it was awesome. He married a member of our church and they are planning on going to the temple in one year from now! This week has been pretty good weather, I was on an exchange and we were pretty hot and we thought we would go get a milk shake... we walked to the gas station and said hello to a guy smoking a cigarette and start talking to him. We taught him a bit on the street and then invited him to come to a baptism in a couple days. He showed up with his family and enjoyed the spirit that was there. He and his family were also able to come to church on Sunday! It was a miracle. It all started because I wanted to get a milk shake. It just is proof and evidence that the Lord is preparing people and you don't know who they are or where to find them, you just have to open your mouth. I was very blessed to meet Steve this week. On Saturday we are doing another social media split. So members of our ward are going to be taking a bunch of pictures and putting them on facebook.

"No one else in the world can fulfill the purpose God designed just for you, just for today- so pray, seek, discover, and enjoy....His plan for you is perfect!"