Monday, November 25, 2013


Another great week in Ohio! I got the call this morning and I am being transferred! I can't believe it, I feel like I just got here. I don't know where too yet but I will find out tomorrow morning. I am sad but also super excited! I have loved serving here in West Chester, but I am up for a new adventure. This week we got the chance to teach Bob, he is the man that we found when we randomly knocked on one house and he said he was interested! It was a super good lesson and I am excited for him. I am really excited for Thanksgiving, it will be awesome. I don't know where I will be yet but I am excited. This week at church we spoke in sacrament meeting, it was awesome, I spoke on Our Purpose as missionaries and I tied it in with the members, it went well. We had a family show up to sacrament meeting, it was so awesome!!!! It was John and Teri's family. They had us over for dinner a couple weeks ago and they made it to church yesterday, it was so cool to see them there. The church is true!! There is nothing better then missionary work! Love you all. Thanks for all the prayers and all the support. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

"God's love is shown in the way we the acts of kindness we willingly do for others."

Monday, November 18, 2013

Tornado Watch!

Another great week in Ohio! The weather here is crazy. On Tuesday it was about 20 degrees and then the next day I swear it was 75. Its unpredictable! So yesterday there was a tornado warning. It was awesome. We were at a members house and we were told to stay indoors because the winds got up to 60 mph! I was hoping a tornado would happen, I think that would be so cool, but at the same time it would be very bad. The storm passed by and a tornado didn't happen, but it was exciting. We had the chance this week to teach a family! They have heard of the church before and they are somewhat familiar with it. We talked about prayer and the Holy Ghost with them, it was awesome. We have an exciting week planned ahead of us! I am working hard and the work is hastening. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Led by the spirit!

This week was great! We had a super good leadership training on Wednesday and I learned so much and it has changed the way I view my mission! It was awesome. President Porter is a very inspired man, I love him. We have been teaching Dustin and things are going well with him. We had a super cool experience the other day. We were riding over to the bishop's house and we decided to stop by a random neighborhood, we didn't know why we should go there but we did anyways. We rode around for a bit and then decided to knock on one house. We started talking and the guy that answered the door said he was interested!! It was awesome, we are going back on Tuesday to teach him, we were led by the spirit. Its amazing what happens when you really trust in the Lord to lead and to guide you. He will perform miracles if you let him and I am seeing that more and more everyday. funny story: Sunday morning my companion was taking a shower and he just yells... We got a problem!! He unlocks the door and the hose to the toilet broke loose and was spraying water everywhere. It was super funny! So our apartment was flooded! We fixed it, and things are good now. This week was great! I am excited for another one, thanks for all your prayers and all your support. Love you all!

"He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them."
Beautiful Ohio sunset!

Monday, November 4, 2013


This week was great! Halloween was super fun, we had dinner at a members house with 8 missionaries, it was a lot of fun. Monday we carved them with our investigator Dustin, it was great! We had zone training this week and we were able to receive training from President Porter. He is a super powerful man and very inspired. We had the coolest experience the other night... we stopped and talked to this lady sitting on her front porch. Then a bunch of kids ran up to us and asked us to play some kick ball. So we played with them for a bit (my team won by the way) and then we were able to share the message of the restoration with the whole family. The parents are from Mexico and they have 5 kids. They were so cool and it was such a great spiritual experience. We are hoping to meet with them again on Tuesday! Things are going great here in West Chester. I love it here! It is getting colder and colder but the leaves are changing colors and it is absolutely beautiful! Thanks for all the prayers and all the support. Love you all!

carving pumpkins with Halle.