Monday, September 23, 2013


Another great week here in Ohio! We are doing well, the weather here is very random! On Saturday in the morning we were burning hot and then later in the evening we started knocking doors, it started to get chili and then it started raining, and then it started pouring! The rain was coming down sideways and we were soaked, it was as if we went swimming in our church clothes, it was awesome! We were on bikes and far from home. So we rode our bikes to McDonald's and dried ourselves out in the bathroom with those hand dryers, it was pretty funny. We got somewhat dry and then headed back out and we were able to find a new investigator! It was awesome.  We are working hard and trusting in the Lord with everything that we do. We have been doing a lot of finding and talking to everyone. I love being here in Ohio, its the place to be!! I love you all, thank you for all your prayers and all your support!

"Smile well and often.  It makes people wonder what you're up to."       Sachel Paige

Monday, September 16, 2013

Experimenting on the word!

Ohio is awesome! Cincinnati is famous for their chili and we were able to try some on Wednesday, it was pretty good!! The work is coming along, we are doing a lot of finding! The area is pretty spread out and we are doing our best to find those that the Lord has prepared for us. We actually ran into a man that did not believe in God. We were able to talk to him and we read to him Alma 34 when it talks about just experimenting on the word. So he said he would. We gave him a Book of Mormon and we are going to see how it goes, I am excited for him, he was willing to listen and to try it out. My first district meeting was last Wednesday and it went well. In the middle of it President and Sister Porter came in which was pretty intimidating, but it went well. The Porters are the best, I love them. This week we did a mission wide fast and we have been seeing so many miracles! Its amazing, we have seen them as a companionship and the Lord is blessing us greatly. We also received a challenge from President Porter to start over the Book of Mormon and finish by November 4th! So we are excited about that and I am keeping up on my reading. This week was awesome, I am excited for another! The Lord is blessing us in so many ways, I am doing well and I am super happy to be here in West Chester!!!

Monday, September 9, 2013

I'm in Ohio now!

This week has been crazy. I am in OHIO now!!!! I live in a town called West Chester. It is beautiful! Rolling hills that can be really fun or a pain to bike on. The area is very wealthy. The ward is awesome! I love my new companion, he is from upstate New York! He is actually a visa waiter.... he is heading to Brazil once it comes.  We got double transferred into the area and I am the district leader of only sister missionaries! Crazy stuff! It will be fun though. I am looking forward to a great week! We are getting used to the area and we are riding our bikes everywhere, we do not have a car, its good though cause we will be in shape. This has been a big change but with change always comes growth and I am growing so much and trusting in the Lord in everything I do. I am super excited to be here in Ohio and I am excited to get the work rolling.The work is progressing that is for sure! We had 40 new missionaries and 40 more are coming next transfer! Its so awesome, the work is hastening and I am right in the middle of it, I am so lucky to be serving at this time. Thank you for all your help and support. You are in my prayers. The church is true!

"When we are united in the gospel, the Lord shows the world His character through us."
                                                                         Lorenzo Snow
New Companion!
Elder Hanks new address is 6736 Lakeside Dr. West Chester, OH 45069 Apt. 101E

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Power of the Book of Mormon!

This week and a half has been awesome! So many things have happened and the Lord has really been blessing us. We have been working with Rusty ever since I got to Muncie and he is going to be baptized next Saturday, I am super excited for that. He is doing so good and he has seen the Book of Mormon help him out and bless his life, it is awesome. We went over one day and he hadn't been reading the Book of Mormon, and he had questions and he really didn't look or sound like he wanted to be baptized. So that lesson we focused entirely on the Book of Mormon, the next time we went over his whole countenance changed... it was unreal.  The Book of Mormon has that power and that effect on people, its awesome. So I got a call today from President and I am being transferred tomorrow!!! I will no longer be in Muncie. Crazy stuff, I felt like I just got here. I am also going to be training a brand new missionary! I am a bit nervous but its all good. If I put my trust in the Lord everything will work out. I know that to be true. I will let you know where I am on Monday. So I will have a new address! Its good hearing from all of you. Thanks for all your help and support. Church is true.

"To accomplish great things we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe."  Anatole Frances