Monday, April 27, 2015

Legends never die!

Things are going great here in Ohio! We had a super awesome week. We had 2 "Legacy Councils" this week and it went really well. We talked about the legacy we would leave as a mission. It fits perfectly with my favorite quote of all time! "Heroes get remembered, but LEGENDS never die." So we as the OCM are living and leaving a legacy. After that I went on an exchange in Indiana, it was a ton of fun! Then last night we played scripture bingo with a new family we are teaching, it was so much fun and we are excited to see them progress, its actually Nick's family. Nick came to church and he is doing well and he will get baptized in May. We have meetings all week this week and we will be traveling a ton. I am excited to see all the missionaries! Life is good and I am doing really well! May is shaping up to be a really good month and the weather is warming up and its been so much fun!!! Thanks for all your prayers and your support!

"Never worry about the numbers.  Help one person at a time, and always start with the person nearest you."

Monday, April 20, 2015

Chicken, football, family History!

Another crazy week in Cincinnati! I am having so much fun. We picked up the new missionaries on Monday and Tuesday was transfers and it was super fun. I am staying in Western Hills with the same companions, they are the best and we are doing awesome. We are teaching Rashad and Tim. They are doing great. Tim came to church and will be getting baptized shortly. I also went on exchanges this week to Hamilton Ohio. We walked all day long because the cars were grounded! I got a pretty sweet sunburn, we found a ton of new people to teach. Then we went to the Briggs later that night. They are doing great and we are going to start doing family history with them so they can feel the spirit of Elijah and have the desire to attend the temple.  We had dinner with them and played with their chickens, they live out in the country and we let the chickens out and were having a fun time with the kids. This week we found a sweet part member family that we are going to start teaching. Nick is his name he is 15 and he invited us to play some football. We went over to his place and played a game of street football in the middle of the hood! it was the best time ever, I loved it! Things in Western Hills are going amazing. We have a bunch of meetings these next couple weeks and we will be super busy as always. Life is good though and I am as happy as ever.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Powerful moment!

Life is going good here in Ohio!!! We have seen so many miracles. We have been traveling and training all week this week. Its been so much fun being with all the missionaries. Then on Wednesday we went over to Rashad's a new investigator we found about a week ago. His whole family was home even extended family for his uncles funeral. There were around 20 of them there just mourning over his death. It was super sad. We went in and talked to them and then we sang Families Can Be Together Forever! It was so powerful, I love to sing. We didnt sing that well but the spirit was there and it was a powerful moment!!  Then the mother of the family prayed and she gave a super heartfelt prayer they weren't able to come to conference but they will come to church next week!  Thanks for all your prayers and all your support.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Life is good!

This week has been awesome!!! Sorry for the late email. The servers were down yesterday. I was not able to email. We have been traveling like crazy and we have been training like crazy.  We had an excellent month in March and we were able to see a ton of miracles! On Sunday when we were preparing people to come to church we ran into a homie outside that actually came out and talked to us! He told us one of his best friends died and that he used to meet with Mormon missionaries and he wants to meet with us again! He is super awesome and we are excited to see him progress. We went to a Spanish baptism on Saturday with my Spanish companion, it was fun! My Spanish is coming a long great! Life is good here in OHIO! 

"Don't wait for extraordinary opportunities.  Seize common occasions and make them great."